Birthday Party featuring Aquatennial Singers
Celebrate all of the October birthdays with cake, friends and terrific vocals by this energetic choir! Everyone is welcome to celebrate.
MacPhail Suzuki Program
Come support local children and their journey with music. The children in this group will knock your socks off with their ability to play the viola!
Meet the Artist Wine and Cheese Social: Donna Triska
Making art is a joy for me, no matter what medium I use. I love the feel of it on my fingers, the array of colors, and the random images that pop into my head. I get so enraptured in the process that I am often surprised that what seemed like 10 minutes was in […]
Meet the Artist Wine and Cheese Social: Donna Triska Read More »
Kenwood Family Olympics
Kenwood Family Olympics Friday, September 12th from 5:00-7:00pm The Kenwood, 825 Summit Ave., Minneapolis Music with Chuck and Jason Thiel Free dinner for residents and family members Clown and other family fun Win first place in our intergenerational family Olympic competition and take home a $50 gift card to Pizza Luce.
Social Hour with Optimum Trajectory
Highly recommended by a Kenwood resident, Optimum Trajectory is sure to put on a good show! This jazz quintet has played for many city festivals, supper clubs, coffee houses, fundraisers…and now The Kenwood! Stay for refreshments following the performance.
Birthday Party featuring Alice Browne
Alice Browne, mother!,wife!, singer, songwriter, artist, teacher, Music Therapist and Sound Healer, is a native of Minnesota who received her Bachelor of Science in Music Therapy from Augsburg College in 1984. She is currently studying Sound Healing- a journey which began at Normandale Community College. She has worked as a freelance Music Therapist at geriatric& […]
Quest for 9/11 Truth by Gerry Erickson
Presenter and Kenwood resident, Gerry Erickson, will be sharing his somewhat controversial ideas on events in United States history. During each presentation, you will take a look at an alternative view to the official reports.
Kenwood University Health 101: Senior Health and Fitness
September is Senior Health and Fitness month so we are going to make that our focus. A terrific staff member from Gentiva will be here for a fun group focused on health and fitness for seniors.
Kenwood University Health 101: Senior Health and Fitness Read More »