Presentation Series by Bob Schwier: The First World War at 100
Bob is at it again! This time he will be talking about World War I in this three part series. As always he has great pictures and interesting maps to assist him while teaching.
Presentation Series by Bob Schwier: The First World War at 100 Read More »
KU Community Resources 101: YWCA Programs for Seniors
Do I need a membership to participate in YWCA programming? Where can I find a schedule of exercise programs that they hold? How can I find out if a program is made for my ability level? Find out answers to these questions, and any other questions you may have, while attending this session.
KU Community Resources 101: YWCA Programs for Seniors Read More »
Concert by the Wolf Cubs
The Wolf Cubs Parlor Orchestra is a six-person musical ensemble designed to play in small, intimate venues. They perform standards from the Great American Songbook for both the listening and dancing pleasure of their audience, maintaining a tradition of Parlor, or Salon, music for the enjoyment of a smaller audience in an informal, relaxed setting. […]
Special Music with Yunyue
Pianist Yunyue Liu is a native of Shanghai where she began studying piano at the age of four. She completed her master’s degree at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville under the guidance of Dr. Kevin Class, and a Professional Performance Certificate at the Conservatory of Music at Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL, under the tutelage […]
Social Hour with Thursday Musical
Join us for a delightful evening filled with classical music. Gail Olszewski, piano. Daryl Carlson, cello. Mitch Blatt, clarinet. Terrie Manno, piano.
Birthday Party featuring Joey Clark
Joey has energy, he has talent and he is thrilled to join us for our upcoming birthday party! Many of you probably know Joey from our Music for Life program through MacPhail. He does such a great job leading that program that we asked him to entertain for a birthday party too! It should be […]
Kenwood Memorial Service
We invite you to a Memorial Service to honor our Kenwood friends who have recently passed away. Time will be given during the service to share memories of those we are honoring. Refreshments will follow.
Meet the Artist: Bill Bukowski
Bukowski paints primarily from life and for the past 11 years has concentrated on the garden imagery of Sibley Park in Mankato, Minnesota. He is also working on a series of landscape paintings from the Red Jacket Trail near Mankato. Though oil paint is his preference, he has also done work in fresco and egg […]