KU Health 101: Depression/Cognition
Every month Gentiva focuses on a new topic for our Health Series. This month Mary Walker will talk about depression and cognition. Join this class to receive one Kenwood University credit.
Halloween Dance featuring Life Music by Encore!
Only the brave should come to this freaky Friday Halloween dance and costume contest. Prizes go to the top three costumes. Behave while you’re here because all eyes will be on you.
Medicare Open Enrollment Assistance
Will Goetz, a volunteer Certified Medicare counselor with Senior Linkage Line, is coming in to assist people with making the right choice during the upcoming Medicare Open Enrollment Period. If you would like to meet one on one with him to discuss which Medicare option is best for you, sign up in the Event Book […]
Birthday Party with the North Suburban Chorus
Celebrate all of the October birthdays at this fun birthday bash with live music by the North Suburban Chorus. All are welcome to join for this event.
Meet the Artist Wine and Cheese Social: Skip Sturtz
Moving from 32 years in the corporate world (inc) to follow my passion for art and drawing, I create portraits of homes, cabins, and landscapes using pen and ink on watercolor paper (ink). Ink allows me to achieve technically realistic results, but my goal is to capture the emotional and sentimental attachment my clients have to […]
Meet the Artist Wine and Cheese Social: Skip Sturtz Read More »
MacPhail Suzuki Program
Come support local children and their journey with music. The children in this group will knock your socks off with their ability to play the viola!
Living With Loss: Healing With Hope by international speaker, Ted Bowman
Many transitions, while difficult and challenging, are predictable parts of what is assumed about life. Others break the rules, shattering dreams and hopes, interrupting or forever changing lives. Maintaining resiliency in the face of such events can be difficult. Hope may not return easily. In this interactive session, participants will explore a framework for […]
Living With Loss: Healing With Hope by international speaker, Ted Bowman Read More »
MacPhail Intergenerational Music Program
This interactive program is sure to be a hit! Residents are invited to sit alongside of students from Grace Academy to learn, explore, and create music.