Social Hour with the Gnu Woodwind Quartet
Enjoy Mozart, Beethoven, Hayden and other 20th century composers played by this five piece band that includes an oboe, flute, clarinet, bassoon and French horn. Refreshments will be served following the performance.
Birthday Party featuring Kate Lynch and Fellows
Kate Lynch and Her Most Excellent Fellows play vintage jazz and pop from 1911 through 1960. The band is lead by charismatic singer and upright bass player Kate Lynch who, with a respect, lovingly interprets songs 50 years or older and makes them her own providing a new take will keeping that old-time feel intact. Seasoned pros Chris […]
Exercise Kick Off
2015 was a great year for our exercise program and residents! We had more active participants in the program than ever before. We invite all residents to this party to celebrate the hard work that was put in during the past year and kick off 2016’s new theme.
New Resident Social
Join us as we welcome the newest members of our community! We have had many new residents move to The Kenwood recently so this will be quite the event.
Social Hour: Thursday Musical
Join us for a delightful evening filled with classical music. Patricia Kent, and Carolyn Finley, sopranos and Jon Wood, guitar. Light refreshments will be served.
Birthday Party featuring the Dick Kronick Duo
The Kronick Duo is upright bassist/vocalist Richard Kronick and guitarist Scott Ives. They play a wide range of jazz and blues styles, including bop, swing, funk, and soul — as well as Richard’s own compositions. These are outstanding professional musicians with decades of experience – playing the music they love! Expect sophistication, power, and soul.
Presentation: Outreach/Accessibility Programs Implemented by the Hennepin County Library
Outreach services bring the library to nontraditional or under-served patrons. Whether patrons are in their homes, senior housing, rehabilitation centers or county correctional facilities, Outreach services bring the library experience and resources to the community. At this time, we will have a Hennepin County Library Outreach Coordinator here with us to explain how we can […]
Presentation: Outreach/Accessibility Programs Implemented by the Hennepin County Library Read More »
Meet the Artist Wine and Cheese Social: Wayne Moran
All are welcome to join us as we welcome Wayne Moran and learn about his work. “My style of capturing photographs has not happened on purpose. It has been a process of discovering what my natural passions and inclinations are when it comes to capturing beauty. I have discovered that my photography subjects and style […]
Meet the Artist Wine and Cheese Social: Wayne Moran Read More »