Social Hour with Phil Bratnober
Phil has many years of experience of working in the music and performing arts industry. He has directed a variety of musicals and performed at a variety of venues. He has a one of a kind concert that he put together just for us!
Birthday Party featuring Kent Appeldoorn
Kent has called Minnesota home for most of his life, but has traveled extensively in his career as a founder and leader of several well-known regional and national touring acts such as Kaleidoscope, Gangbusters and then forming Hitz in 1981. Many of his band mates formed popular offshoot groups and his experiences of playing with, […]
Mu Phi Epsilon Concert
Enjoy classical music played by the Minneapolis/St Paul Chapter Alumni Chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon. Several Kenwood residents are proud members of this group! Mu Phi Epsilon is an International Music Fraternity in the professional field, founded on November 13, 1903, by Winthrop Sterling and Elizabeth Mathias Fuqua.
KU Cultures 101: Russia
Ellena Kallevig, from Russian Soul, will be giving us a brief description of Russia. The Russian Cultural Center, Russian Soul, is committed to preserving and promoting rich and diverse ethnic Russian cultural and artistic heritage through research, presentation, and outreach programs. It also serves as a liaison between the Russian-speaking community and the broader community […]
Valentine’s Card Making with Jenny
Learn new scrap booking and card making techniques to create a Valentine’s card for someone special.
Low Vision Support Group
Kenwood resident, Larry Pray, is co-facilitating this group with Susan from Vision Loss Resources. Larry will share how his vision loss isn’t the loss of sight, it’s the difficultly decoding what he sees. Find out how this challenge has changed his life and how he has learned to experience life in a new, positive way.
Black History Month: Major Taylor
In 1901 a journalist wrote: “Major Taylor was the most extraordinary, the most versatile, the most colorful, the most popular, the champion around whom more legends have gathered than any other, and whose life story most resembles a fairytale. Come hear Terry Kerber discuss his book “Major Taylor”, The Inspiring Story of a Black Cyclist […]
Caregiver Support Group
Care giving is one of the hardest roles an individual can have. We welcome you to join us in a supportive, welcoming atmosphere. During the first meeting we will do brief introductions and an overview of the group. If you have ideas that you would like to discuss during future meetings, please feel free to […]