Parlor Music with Mary Hall
The wonderful and talented Mary Hall returns to delight your ears with her easy listening voice. She sings your favorites and has a pleasant blend of country and classical. Refreshments served following the performance.
March Birthday Celebration
Terri and Brad Lang will join us this month for a special March Birthday Celebration. Join us in the Lowry Hill Room for music, cake, balloons and more!
Chiropractor Visits
Dr. Hannah will join us from Dakota Chiropractic. Get an appointment to be seen as she will work Tuesdays out of the 2nd floor Fine Arts Room from 2p-5p each week. You can contact Brandy in Activities for more information.
Aging With Gusto Seminar Series
AWG Kenwood March 2019 flyer (Select the above link to take you to the flyer which will then link you to registration when you select the “register now” button on the bottom left) Aging with Gusto Igniting more positive views of aging Our attitudes about aging have an impact on our quality of life, health […]
Parlor Music with Charley Wyser
The wonderful and talented Charley Wyser has been invited back to entertain you tickle those ivories. Up close and personal with stories to share, join us for this special treat in the Parlor with refreshments and conversation to follow.
Guided Grief Group
Spiritual Care Coordinator from Kindred at Home services will be here for a 4 week session on coping with grief and loss. This group will be private, personal, and is meant to be a support for you if you have experienced grief and loss. All Kenwood Residents are welcome. Please arrive on time in the […]
Birthday Celebration with The Jazz Trio
This event is always a highlight of the month! Bringing you top notch entertainment by Jazz Trio. They are ready to come get your feet dancing and celebrate with everyone! Cake and refreshments will be served.
Meet the Artist – Melissa Critchley
*Due to weather conditions this event has been rescheduled* The newest art installation was brought to you by local artist Melissa Critchley. Today she will join us for a wine and cheese social and talk to you about her work and take your questions. Let us give her a warm welcome!