Mosaics, Diversity, Dogs, and Flow
Join Mariann for a slide show presentation of her recent adventures on the island of Sicily, and on the mainland in Rome. Mariann is the Kenwoods fantastically talented activities assistant and Knitting Instructor! Let’s hear and see about her recent travels to Italy!
November Birthday Celebration
It’s time to celebrate November birthdays! Everyone is welcome of course but come on down to hear musician and piano player Charley Wyser tickle the ivories and play your favorite tunes.
Blake Students Visit
The Hopkins Blake Middle Schoolers will be visiting us this week! They have a special project they have prepared to share with the residents at The Kenwood. Although it is geared towards what they’ve learned about America’s war history, they would like to talk and visit with everyone who can make it. Please help nurture […]
Veterans Day Event
We celebrate our Veterans today and say “THANK YOU” for your service. Please join us at 1:30 this afternoon for a social with special guest singing choir “The Aquatennial Singers”. Don’t forget to check out the 2nd floor hallway by the Activities office as there is an honor wall dedicated to the current veterans at […]
Meet the Artist
Kramer Gallery Artist Amanda Pearson will join us for a wine and cheese opportunity in the Kramer room on Friday November 8th at 1:30pm. If you enjoyed seeing her work through her craft in our lobby you’ll have another opportunity to meet her and to talk with her about her talents. “Amanda Pearson grew up […]
Be A Visitor In Your Own City
Jefferson Community Ed programming brings you a brilliant talk that gives you the insights to places and things to visit in your very own city. Have family visiting and want to show them a good time? This is the place to be!
Flu Shot Clinic
It’s that time of year, Flu Shots have arrived. Hennepin Healthcare will be on site to provide you with your 2019 flu shot just in time for flu season. Come down to the parlor and be sure to bring your insurance card.
Basics of Technology
Basics of Technology class returns for a 3 class session this month. New instructor Michael Boraas will be walking you through some of the basics that you need to know. The first class will focus on ride-share and aps for your phone. Don’t forget to bring your device with you to the first class. […]