We sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding during this challenging time. With a deep sense of unity and a focus on the well-being of each resident, we closely adhere to the guidelines from the Minnesota Department of Health and the CDC.
Our goal is to keep your family member safe and healthy by limiting the interaction and movement within the community. With that being said, we are enacting the precautions below to help facilitate self-isolation.
A reminder: Outside guests, even family members, are restricted unless they provide physically necessary care. Residents are to stay in the building except for medically necessary appointments.
Beginning Monday, March 23
FOOD SERVICE: All meals will be delivered, including breakfast, to your loved one. He or she will receive prepackaged items in the plastic holders outside the door. Breakfast will arrive between 7 and 8 a.m. For your loved one’s meal needs, please call the kitchen directly at 612-294-1346.
HOMECARE: We are limiting homecare to essential cares only and concentrating staff to work on designated floors, instead of all over the building. We are strongly encouraging staff to shelter in place and screening closely.
FOOD AND PHARMACY NEEDS: Harold is running necessary personal errands for residents including grocery store and pharmacy from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday. If you have concerns, please call the desk at 612-374-8100.
MAIL DELIVERY: Rick of the Maintenance Department will deliver mail to residents’ doors at approximately 10 a.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. They will pick up any outgoing mail at that time or earlier as requested. Residents are asked to place outgoing mail in the plastic holder outside her or his door. For mail needs, please call the desk at 612-374-8100.
NEWSPAPERS: Staff will deliver them to residents’ doors each morning. Newspapers will no longer be at the desk. For newspaper needs, please call the desk at 612-374-8100.
LAUNDRY: The laundry room is closed to residents. Staff will do laundry until further notice. Residents are asked to place detergent in their baskets. For any laundry concerns, call Andrea, Housekeeping Supervisor, at 612-294-1687.
ACTIVITIES: There will be no scheduled activities or gatherings. Short walks out of the building are currently permitted. While on the elevator, residents will ride alone or six feet apart from another person. Brandy is thinking up creative ways to keep in touch. For activities needs, call Brandy at 612-294-1691.
We will continue to release communications regarding our updated protocols and precautionary measures. We will remain a place of sanctuary, and together we will overcome the pandemic.

The World Health Organization has repeatedly stopped short of calling the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a pandemic – until yesterday, March 11, 2020. The official declaration of a pandemic means the disease has reached a tipping point where it spreads on a far wider geographic scale – sweeping through populations faster. Also, this week the state of Minnesota has declared a state of emergency regarding the virus.
In response, leadership at the Kenwood now prohibits all visitors to the community. Health care workers and caregivers are still able to provide services for residents at the community.
We are responding to the new declarations as we recognize our residents are the most vulnerable to the virus. We want to reassure residents and family members that our preemptive position is what we think is the wisest course of action.
Besides prohibiting visitors within our community, we are increasing the sanitization of our kitchen, restaurant, and common areas. Housekeeping is extra vigilant, and our staff has been retrained on sanitization procedures. Additional hand sanitizing stations have been added throughout the community.
We are in frequent communication with residents, and alert signs are posted throughout the community. In addition, we are in constant contact with medical professionals and Local and State Health Departments for the latest information on this health concern.
We know that communicating with residents is very important and we encourage you to phone, email, text, and/or video chat such as FaceTime or Skype. If you believe a visit is absolutely necessary, please contact a member of the home care team prior to your arrival – (612) 374-8100.
As always, the health and safety of our residents is our most important priority.